Biotechnology, Agriculture
Extra-chromosomal circular DNA (eccDNA) plant replicon can be utilized as a vehicle for transferring and enhancing beneficial traits in crops. With nearly 500 agrobiotechnological traits registered globally, eccDNA may provide an attractive means to circumvent these regulations.
Inventor: Dr. Christopher A Saski, William T Molin
Published: 9/18/2023
Sustainable Energy, Manufacturing
This source-agnostic time domain distance relay uses only single-ended measurements to detect, classify, and locate any fault on the line it monitors while eliminating known weaknesses of distance relays. Recent advances in renewable energy technology allow several hundred megawatts of power to be in a single plant and connect to the electric grid through inverters. All major renewable resources, such…
Inventor: Sukumar Brahma, Prabin Adhikari, and Phani
Harsha Gadde
Published: 2/21/2023
Sustainable Environment, Information and Communication
This product is designed to help scientist calculate the severity of a flood in densely populated areas and to control the damage the flood will cause. The pipeline is smartly designed to train images and calculate flood water levels in inundated areas and can be used to identify flood depth, severity, and risk. MarketWatch estimates that the global Flood Insurance…
Inventor: Vidya Samadi, Rakshit Pally, Rishav Karanjit
Published: 1/31/2023
Sustainable Environment
Clemson University researchers have developed a control system based on dynamic stochastic optimal power flow that allows for ideal control of power systems with variability and uncertainty in mind.
Inventor: Kumar Venayagamoorthy
Published: 1/15/2021
Clemson University inventors have created a novel manufacturing technique, with integrated additive manufacturing and laser processing to reduce the costs of ceramic-based conversion and storage devices.
Inventor: Jianhua Tong,
Hai Xiao,
Fei Peng,
Kyle Brinkman
Published: 12/2/2020