A novel technology that uses a miRNA molecule to combat low crop yield and susceptibility to various biotic and abiotic stresses.
Inventor: Dr. Hung Luo, Dr. Qian Hu, Xiaotong Chen
Published: 8/26/2024
Combination of three specific genes to boost plant performance under adverse environmental conditions and enhance crop yield.
Inventor: Dr. Hung Luo, Dr. Qian Hu
Published: 8/26/2024
Biotechnology, Agriculture
Transgenic plants overexpressing miR319 exhibit improved tolerance to drought and salt stress.
Inventor: Dr. Hong Luo
Published: 7/11/2024
Biotechnology, Agriculture
New Promoter Provides Useful Molecular Tool in Agricultural Biotechnology
Inventor: Dr. Hong Luo
Published: 7/11/2024
Agriculture, Manufacturing
Novel process to produce low caloric carbohydrates prebiotic ingredients for better human health.
Inventor: Dr. Dil Thavarajah
Published: 4/16/2024