Manufacturing, Agriculture
Novel process to produce low caloric carbohydrates prebiotic ingredients for better human health.
Inventor: Dr. Dil Thavarajah
Published: 4/16/2024
Preservative-, acids-, and flavor enhancers free processes to produce the finest flavor-odor-color profiles of food ingredients and products.
Inventor: Dr. Dil Thavarajah
Published: 4/3/2024
Non-antibiotic solution to improve gut health and control foodborne pathogens, including Campylobacter and Salmonella.
Inventor: Dr. Khaled Abdelaziz
Published: 3/25/2024
New protease inhibitor enhances insect resistance in plant species and reduces crop losses.
Inventor: Dr. Hung Luo
Published: 2/27/2024
In order to combat agricultural waste sustainably, this invention demonstrates how the inedible portions of fruits and vegetables can be converted to fiber, protein, and micronutrient-rich powder (flour) by using kale and collards as examples. The resulting powder (flour) is a sugar-free source of dietary fiber (50-60%), a rich source of proteins (15-25%), and mineral and vitamin micronutrients (10-15%).
Inventor: Dr. Dil Thavarajah, Ashley Rawl
Published: 11/14/2023