Advanced Materials

Advanced Materials

Hydrothermal Crystal Growth that Eliminates Spontaneous Emission

Advanced Materials

This hydrothermal approach to growing single crystal oxide hosts resolves the issues posed by amplified spontaneous emission (ASE). ASE is the result of unwanted internal reflection of photons at the lasing frequency within the laser crystal. The consequences of ASE include induced emission of ions from the excited state and unwanted internal lasing in random directions. These effects take away…

Super-resolution Microscopy for Live Cell Imaging (2017-048)

Advanced Materials

This method of super-resolution microscopy uses subtracted interleaved solid and doughnut-shaped laser pulses to improve spatial resolution, resulting in real-time imaging of live microscopic organisms. The live cell imaging market has an estimated worth of $3.57 billion and is expected to grow due to increased government funding and the demand for high-content screening microscopy techniques in drug discovery. Conventional super-resolution…
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