Advanced Materials, Biotechnology
Carbon dots (also called “carbon quantum dots”, “carbon nanodots”, etc.) represent a new class of photoactive nanomaterials that compete effectively with semiconductor quantum dots, a market that was valued at $961.4 million in 2013 and is projected to be larger than $5 billion in 2020.
Inventor: Dr. Ya-Ping Sun
Published: 7/18/2019
Advanced Materials
This method of super-resolution microscopy uses subtracted interleaved solid and doughnut-shaped laser pulses to improve spatial resolution, resulting in real-time imaging of live microscopic organisms. The live cell imaging market has an estimated worth of $3.57 billion and is expected to grow due to increased government funding and the demand for high-content screening microscopy techniques in drug discovery. Conventional super-resolution…
Inventor: Tong Ye, Yang Li
Published: 1/1/2018