With your extensive background in academia and industry, what knowledge and experience are you hoping to bring to CURF that can be used to build relationships between Clemson faculty inventors and industry partners?
CURF has been incredibly successful in expanding the reach of the research enterprise here at Clemson. I have extensive experience in nascent business formation and taking inventions, products, and services to market. While that will help me come up to speed quicker, CURF already has the expertise it needs to continue its current success. At this point, CURF, because of its success, needs additional assets to keep up with the pace of research happening here at Clemson University. I am honored to be here to pitch in and help.
What resources and support are you looking forward to offering Clemson University faculty members to assist them with furthering their research?
I look forward to providing additional knowledge and support. I have started and been a principal in 14 different businesses, which gives me the background experience necessary to help our talented Clemson faculty members clear some of the inherent hurdles in starting a business or licensing an invention. This knowledge will hopefully reduce the time-to-market of these crucial breakthroughs.
What specific goals do you have to help develop and build CURF’s relationship with industry professionals?
I want to continue to build on CURF’s success in industry. It is essential that industry fully understand what a resource Clemson University is and how it can enhance everyone’s quality of life. Specifically, my goal is to expand CURF’s presence within the entrepreneurial ecosystem and increase partnerships amongst our local businesses. Clemson University’s inventors are continuously creating groundbreaking technology that can help improve companies’ processes and product lines and decrease financial costs. I am working to identify these areas of need in our local businesses and connect industry professionals with the technology needed to improve business operations.
What have you been most excited about doing in the Upstate since returning to the area?
I’m very happy to be back in the Upstate and feel fortunate to be home again. I look forward to taking advantage of all the Upstate has to offer, including attending events at the Peace Center, golfing, and of course, teaching at my scuba shop.
To contact Mark, email him at mroth3@clemson.edu or connect with him on LinkedIn.