Julian Brinkley serves as an Assistant Professor of Human-Centered Computing at Clemson University, and director of the Design and Research of In-Vehicle Experiences Lab (DRIVE Lab). He earned his Ph.D. in Human-Centered Computing from the University of Florida and holds an M.Sc. from East Carolina University in Software Engineering and a B.A. from the University of North Carolina – Greensboro. His research focuses on the intersection of user experience, accessibility, and highly and fully automated vehicles, with funding from organizations like the National Science Foundation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and the US Department of Transportation.
Dr. Brinkley's work has contributed significantly to making autonomous vehicles more accessible, as evidenced by his DRIVE Lab team being selected as semifinalists for the DOT's Inclusive Design Challenge, a $5 million grand challenge aimed at developing accessible autonomous vehicles. His exceptional research has also earned grants from Google, the US Army, and the Center for Connected and Automated Transportation. Additionally, his passion for inclusive design and accessibility has led him to spearhead the development of a new Center for Inclusive Design and Accessibility at Clemson University. In short, his dedication to promoting social good, public safety, and entertainment through technology has been widely recognized, and his contributions to the field make him an invaluable asset to the academic community.