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Working with Industry

Dear Colleagues –

Chase Kasper here with tips on working with industry. As the Director of Business Development for CURF, my goal is to assist you in connecting and engaging with industry partners in an effort to advance your research.

First, let me say that I hope this note finds you healthy and well as you manage your research projects and the innovations you are creating as a result of the efforts of your research!

While COVID may have placed some constraints on business activity, the interest in new innovations, long-term planning for product and service development, and desire to collaborate for long-term goals and objectives with industry partners is very high. Multiple areas such as health and health care tools, environmental sustainability, AI and deep learning, precision agriculture, and autonomous vehicles of all forms continue to be of high interest.

As you look for the possibility of federal funding, keep in mind that there are several industry and private sources that may be worthy of your consideration. There are several open innovation sources (and resources) that may be of interest to you. Here is a short list of organizations with which CURF has previously engaged:

Yet2:  https://www.yet2.com/

In-Part: https://in-part.com/

InnovoSource: https://www.innovosource.com/

NineSigma: https://www.ninesigma.com/

University-Industry Demonstration Partnership (UIDP): https://uidp.org/

While we certainly encourage you to look at some of the sites listed above, be on the lookout for communications from CURF, the Office of the Vice President for Research, and your respective Associate Deans for Research that contain tips and resources for working with industry. We are continuously sharing new and updated opportunities for you to advance your research. Also, be on the lookout for our INSPIRE events that cover multiple topics for partnering industry with Clemson’s research enterprise.

Lastly, I’d like to send a “Congratulations!” to Dr. Apparao Rao and the Clemson Nanomaterials Institute (CNI) for formalizing a master research agreement with Atlis Motor Vehicles. Dr. Rao and the CNI team have done a commendable job of listening to the needs of their industry partners and adapting to find ways to build long-term collaborations with industry.

Stay tuned to the CURF newsletter for updates and opportunities, which I will continue to share with you over the weeks and months to come. Lastly, please feel free to submit a CURF Inquiry Intake form if you need further assistance connecting with industry partners. We are ready and equipped to help promote your innovations, research, facilities, and capabilities to the long list of partners in our network.

Stay healthy and thank you for all you do to advance Clemson’s research enterprise and maintain its R1 Carnegie designation!



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